
Money/currency NRS/bank, ATM./ credit cards accepted, exchange rates.

The most important things to carry on your travel, in Nepal for foreigners apart from Indian nationality proper foreign currency are accepted like most common in US$ Aus$ Singapore / Hong Kong $, and Euro or mostly used in Nepal.

In all towns and cities there are banks with ATM facilities and in some while on trekking higher remote area only few places exists with ATM facility.

Private or Government owned banks there are across the country to exchange your need for Nepali currencies Nepal has denomation of Rupees and Paisa which is 100 paisa makes a rupee. Bill notes from Rs 1-2 -5 -10 -20 -50 – 100-500 -1000.

Sometimes you may find 2500 Rupees bill also, which is very few at present, all bills have animals and birds pictures.

Smaller paisa or coins are hardly used except in changing rates to foreign currencies.